Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp

Nintendo Co., Ltd.
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DeveloperNintendo Co., Ltd.
Update Time2023-07-07
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About this game
Find furniture you like and design a campsite that suits your style! Tents, hammocks, fireplaces, a stuffed-animal sofa...mix and match to your heart's content! Make a trendy open-air café, or line up some microphones and guitars to create an outdoor music festival! In the mood for a little extra fun? Set up a merry-go-round and open a theme park. You can even make a pool, or fill the sky with fireworks! ◆ Design your campsite, camper, and cabin however you want ◆ Collect themed items from Fishing Tourneys and Garden Events that happen throughout the year ◆ More than 1,000 pieces of furniture and 300 pieces of clothing and accessories are available to choose from, with more being added all the time ◆ Features more than 100 animals with quirky personalities Fulfill animal requests and watch your friendship with them grow! Once you become close enough friends, you can invite them to your campsite. The more the merrier! Design a show-stopping campsite, invite your favorite animals, and take an in-game photo to show your friends. If your friends like what you've done, they may even give you kudos! The great outdoors has so much to offer! Notes: This game is free to start, with in-app purchases available. Internet connectivity is required to play Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. Data charges may apply. May include advertising. Note: With the Pocket Camp Club: Merry Memories Plan, data will be collected from your Google Fit app after receiving your permission to do so in order to have the number of steps you have taken display on corresponding stickers.
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Game Review

What is Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp

This is an open game with a fixed plot. Players can live alone without being limited by the default plot and task. Many people like the fun of "talking" with interesting animal characters. By using the internal clock of GameCube, the game can be mapped to real time, so there are actual events, including independence day, Christmas, Halloween, or other regular activities, such as morning exercises and fishing competitions. Some players also deliberately adjust the time to travel forward or backward. The obvious goal of this game is to expand the player's house. The house is used to place furniture or props purchased and obtained in the game. Tom nock, the character of civet cat, will open a shop in the game and provide players with a loan (19800 bells) to buy their first house. The house is small and can only hold wallpaper, carpet and radio. After paying off the first loan, players can ask Rick to expand the house (148000 bells). The next day, the space of the house will increase immediately. After paying off the loan again, players can choose to continue to expand the house space (398000 bells) or build a basement (498000 bells). After paying off the loan again, Rick can let the player expand again (798000 bells are required). Furniture will affect Feng Shui. Placing items of a specific color in a specific location can increase the chances of finding bell coins or rare items. Feng Shui is also the basis for the scoring of happy house college. As for trophies and items received during special festivals, they are not limited by color or direction. If they are placed, the chances of earning money or items will increase. Good feng shui is defined as: placing orange furniture in the north makes it easier to find bells and items; Putting red furniture in the East makes it easier to find items; Putting the yellow furniture in the west makes it easier to find the bell; Placing green furniture in the south makes it easier to find Bell's money and goods.

How to download and install?

  1. You could download the Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp app by navigating to the Google Play Store
  2. Once on the store, click on the search bar at the top of the screen
  3. Next, type in 'Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp' and select the first option
  4. Click the "Download" button and wait for the app to start installing on your mobile device. Depending on your download speed, this should only take a few minutes

Uninstallation steps for this application

  • If you no longer want this application on your mobile device and want to delete the Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp app, then you'll need to navigate to your Applications Manager
  • Once there, you'll be able to scroll through your apps until you reach the Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp app
  • Click on the application and hit the 'Uninstall' button
  • Wait for the app to uninstall from your device. It will take all the app's data with it
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