Galaxy Attack: Shooting Game

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Update Time2023-07-13
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About this game
Earth's last hope is in your hands, take control of the lone spaceship and protect Earth from alien swarms attack. Your goal will be quite challenging as you will have to save the Universe from its evil enemies. In this space shooting game, you will be facing an increasingly large number of infinity galaxy enemies. As the game progresses, you will earn the right to upgrade your spacecraft to unleash its full lethal capacity. HOW TO PLAY: * Touch screen to move your space ship and kill all enemies. * Collect items to upgrade or change your weapons. FEATURES: * Multiplayer mode: 1 vs 1, 1 vs 3 * High-quality images optimized for tablets and large screens. * Ability to use active skills during space battles. * The game is packed with 160+ levels on various difficulties. * Beautiful levels with immersive missions to complete. * Multiple extreme boss battles. * Upgrade your guns and lasers. Enjoy classic space combat - new arcade shooting game - powered up. Download Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooter now! Follow us on Facebook: Join Group with us: Contact us: [email protected]
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How to download and install?

  1. You could download the Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooting app by navigating to the Google Play Store
  2. Once on the store, click on the search bar at the top of the screen
  3. Next, type in 'Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooting' and select the first option
  4. Click the "Download" button and wait for the app to start installing on your mobile device. Depending on your download speed, this should only take a few minutes

How to remove Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooting from your phone?

  1. If you no longer want this application on your mobile device and want to delete the Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooting app, then you'll need to navigate to your Applications Manager
  2. Once there, you'll be able to scroll through your apps until you reach the Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooting app
  3. Click on the application and hit the 'Uninstall' button
  4. Wait for the app to uninstall from your device. It will take all the app's data with it
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